We offer recreational cheerleading for athlete’s that are interested in trying cheer!

These classes are 1 hour to 1.5 hours long and are once a week during the recreational session. Our certified coaches teach athlete’s how to stunt, tumble and jump, while meeting new friends and having fun learning cheerleading.  No experience is necessary as our recreational cheer will introduce athletes to cheerleading.  This is a great way for athletes to learn and move towards one of our competitive teams if they would like to get more involved in cheerleading.  

Stunting - Athletes learn the basics of stunting including knee stands, thigh stands, double bases, cradles, and extensions. The coaches use proper technique to ensure athlete’s are safe when working new skills.

Tumbling – All tumbling is based on the athlete’s ability. Our coaches work with athlete’s who have never done tumbling to athlete’s who are doing more advanced skills. Athletes will work in a tumbling circuit focusing on shapes, drills and the skill in which they are working towards.  This helps athletes gain confidence and technique to execute tumbling skills safely and at their level. 

Jumps – Coaches go over the basics of jumps from start to finish so athletes can practice well executed cheerleading jumps. Athletes will do drills to help with jumps by increasing flexibility, strength, and using correct form in and out of the jump skills. Jumps the athletes do are T jumps, star jumps, toe touches, and pikes.

Dance & Motions - Athletes will learn some basic cheer motions and a little dance during our recreational classes. 

Registration for our Spring Recreational Cheer is now open.  First Class of Spring Recreational Cheer is May 10



Interested In A Free Class?SIGN UP TODAY!